Saturday, February 22, 2014

October Trip Recap - Future Site of the School

Happy 2014!  We are certainly looking forward to the awesome things that God will be bringing about in Jeremie this year.  It's gonna be a great one!  This past October myself, Tom, and five other Team Haiti members were able to travel to Jeremie to visit Eglise de Dieu Vivant and meet with Pastor Carl and the members of his church that we will be working with, as well as visit the future site of the auto mechanic school.  It was an amazing trip, and what really made it great was meeting the members of the church community, getting to know them better, and seeing firsthand how excited people are about this opportunity.  Haitians are nothing if not gracious and friendly hosts!

We got to Jeremie by a brief flight from the capital, Port-au-Prince, on the infamous Tortug Air.

Jeremie Airport
Arriving at the Jeremie Airport on Tortug Air

The first place we visisted was the future site of the auto mechanic school.  It is going to be situated on a currently vacant lot that is next to a building comprised of several classrooms which can be used for community education purposes.  The school will probably start out using some of the classroom space in this building until the actual building in the lot next door is complete and fully functional.  When we got there the foundation for the back wall had been dug and more rocks, which fill the foundation for the wall, were being delivered.  They don't have a lot of the heavy lifting equipment in Haiti that we are used to seeing in the U.S.  You get it done by hand!

Unloading Rocks
After spending the night at our guest house we returned the next morning to help by working on the wall and clearing the site.  Before the rest of the walls can be built the site had to be cleared of all trash and debris and some trees had to be moved.  These pictures should give a better idea of the site and the work that was done.
Pastor Carl examines the foundation of the wall, which is composed of rocks and cement
Diani and Gisele hard at work lifting rocks
Tom learns how to make cement blocks.  There was no cement mixer so shovels were used to mix bags of dry cement with large buckets of water.

Andrew in action chopping down a palm with a machete.  The plan is to replant these palms elsewhere.
Stacy and some downed palms
The team in front of the pile of raked trash and palm fronds that are ready to be removed
We were blessed to be working alongside many members from the church and local communities who are very excited about the project.  One woman was especially eager to volunteer as she hopes to become a student at the school once it is up and running.

Some curious local children!  According to the CIA World Factbook, nearly 35% of Haiti's population is under age 14




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