Saturday, March 29, 2014

October Trip Recap - Church and Beach

We were fortunate that our trip to Haiti was over a Sunday, which gave us the opportunity to attend both morning and evening services at Eglise de Dieu Vivant.  The church may look very simple from the outside, but inside it is packed to the rafters with people, music, more music, and so much joy and love for God.  In addition to the church choir there is also a men's singing group, a young women's singing group, and the church band and sound system.

Front row of the choir
Check out these videos from the services: 

At the evening service I was given the opportunity to speak.  I gave a little talk in French (thanks to the congregation for listening to my rusty French!) about the importance of patience as demonstrated by the story of Jacob and all of the years he worked until he was able to marry Rachel (Genesis 29).  Haiti is a country that has been through so much hardship, and I saw so much patience and determination amongst the people that I met there.  Patience is a quality that is often lacking in the U.S. these days.

To give further testament to the natural beauty that Haiti offers, here are some pictures taken at a beach near Jeremie.  There is actually what we believe to be a submarine that ran aground at this particular beach.  The hatch is just above the water and you can climb on top of it.  We are still trying to investigate how long it has been there for.


Tom demonstrates the best way to get there!